There’s a brand new DC podcast collection coming to Spotify titled Batman Unburied. This podcast is a thriller that may dive into the darkish recesses of Bruce Wayne’s psyche, and it’s going to characteristic a number of basic Batman villains.

Within the collection, “Bruce Wayne works as a forensic pathologist in Gotham Hospital, the place he’s tasked with inspecting the victims of The Harvester, a cannibalistic serial killer. Because the story unfolds, Wayne should overcome his personal psychological demons and assume his identification as Batman in an effort to save Gotham’s residents.”

I actually like this idea, because it presents a really totally different strategy to Bruce Wayne and Batman as he works as a forensic pathologist in Gotham Hospital. That’s an attention-grabbing story and it was created by govt producer David S. Goyer, who beforehand labored on Batman Begins and was additionally a author for the 2 different movies in The Darkish Knight trilogy.

Batman Unburied stars Winston Duke as Bruce Wayne/Batman, Hasan Minhaj as The Riddler, Sam Witwer as The Harvester, and Gina Rodriguez as Barbara Gordon, daughter of former police commissioner Jim Gordon and star detective for Gotham PD. The solid additionally consists of Lance Reddick as Thomas Wayne, Toks Olagundoye as Martha Wayne, Jason Isaacs as loyal butler Alfred, John Rhys-Davies as Dr. Hunter, and Ashly Burch as Vicki Vale.

Daybreak Ostroff, chief content material and promoting enterprise officer, stated in a press release: “With the worldwide launch of Batman Unburied, we’re excited to convey the long-lasting franchise and the legacy of Batman to our a whole bunch of hundreds of thousands of listeners all over the world.”

Peter Girardi, EVP of other programming for Warner Bros. Animation, added, “David Goyer, this wonderful solid and your complete Batman Unburied workforce have created a Batman expertise that stretches the narrative podcast medium to new ranges alongside along with your expectations on how immersive and compelling a Batman story will be. I couldn’t have requested for a greater solution to kick off our inventive partnership with Spotify.”

The collection is directed by Alex Kemp and written by Eric Carrasco (Supergirl), Saladin Ahmed, Rebecca Klingel (The Haunting of Hill Home) and Graham Westerson.

Take heed to the trailer for the podcast collection beneath:

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