Ameerah Jones, Indy Santos, Daniel Durston, Alyssa Snider, and Michael Bruner competed in a problem on the Large Brother 24 premiere. Pic credit score: CBS

The primary Large Brother 24 Nomination Ceremony occurred on Friday, main to 2 folks being on the block and nominated for eviction.

Daniel Durston grew to become the primary Head of Family of the summer time in the course of the first episode of Large Brother 24. It gave him the facility to appoint two folks for eviction.

Joe “Pooch” Pucciarelli grew to become the Backstage Boss on the premiere, giving him security for the week. It meant that Daniel couldn’t even think about placing Pooch on the block.

Pooch then granted security from being nominated to Brittany Hoopes, Alyssa Snider, and Paloma Aguilar. Whereas the three women are nonetheless vulnerable to going dwelling on the upcoming Eviction Ceremony, they might not be nominated.

Relating to the women being in danger, host Julie Chen Moonves said that a large twist is coming on the first BB24 Eviction Ceremony.

Who did Daniel nominate for eviction on Large Brother 24?

Daniel took the simple route, nominating Michael Bruner and Terrance Higgins for eviction on Friday afternoon. Michael and Terrance have been on the surface of rather a lot occurring in the home, making them very straightforward targets throughout Week 1.

There are already some key alliances inside the BB24 solid which can be beginning to acquire energy, however solely time will inform whether or not or not they will retain that energy all summer time.

Michael and Terrance will get to play for his or her security on the Veto Competitors this weekend. If both one wins the Energy of Veto, they will step off the block and drive Daniel to give you a substitute nominee.

Extra information and notes from Large Brother 2022

The Large Brother 2022 episode schedule is now set, with CBS revealing when followers ought to tune in over the following few weeks. Will probably be very fascinating to see how issues shake out and if Daniel has extra success than the primary HOH from final season. That particular person was Brandon “Frenchie” French, who went from Week 1 HOH to being evicted in Week 2.

And followers shouldn’t neglect to participate within the first America’s Vote of the season. The three women that Pooch gave Backstage Passes to are in danger, however America can save certainly one of them.

For anybody who might have missed the primary episode of BB24, it may be streamed by utilizing Paramount+. That may even be the place upcoming episodes shall be positioned in order that followers can return to them at any level in the course of the Summer season 2022 season.

Large Brother 24, Episode 2 airs on Sunday, July 10, at 8/7c on CBS.

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