Lionsgate is about to unleash one other thrilling horror movie undertaking with the acquisition of the rights to the Blumhouse terror-tastic film, Imaginary. These two studios are becoming a member of forces to finance the movie and will likely be presenting it to consumers on the European Movie Market.

Blumhouse’s personal Jason Blum is producing with the filmmaking expertise behind Cry Wolf, Kick-Ass 2, Fact or Dare, Fantasy Island, and The Curse of Bridge Hole, Jeff Wadlow, producing and directing!

In Imaginary, a younger lady is in for the shock of her life when she returns to her childhood residence and discovers that her imaginary buddy, who she thought was only a figment of her creativeness, is definitely actual and never too pleased about being left behind.

With a screenplay written by Wadlow, Greg Erb, Jason Oremland, and Bryce McGuire, the filmmakers are busy casting the celebrities and plan to begin manufacturing later this 12 months.

Supply: Bloody-Disgusting

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