Determine 1 – Media Machine Studying Infrastructure

Media Entry: Jasper

Media Characteristic Storage: Amber Storage

Compute Triggering and Orchestration: Amber Orchestration

Coaching Efficiency

Serving and Looking


Determine 2 – a collection of body match cuts from Wednesday.

The place we began

Determine 3- The unique Match Reducing pipeline earlier than leveraging media ML infrastructure elements.
SB = {0: [0, 20], 1: [20, 30], 2: [30, 85], …}
# the second shot (index 1) was eliminated and so was clip1.mp4
SB_deduped = {0: [0, 20], 2: [30, 85], …}
# shots with indices 12 and 729 have a high matching score
{shot1: 12, shot2: 729, score: 0.96},
# shots with indices 58 and 419 have a low matching score
{shot1: 58, shot2: 410, score: 0.02},


The issues we confronted

The place we landed

Determine 4 – Match chopping pipeline constructed utilizing media ML infrastructure elements. Interactions between algorithms are expressed as a characteristic mesh, and every Amber Characteristic encapsulates triggering and compute.

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