The Check Workflow in NTS

Determine 1: Gadget choice within the NTS UI.
Determine 2: Check choice within the NTS UI.
Determine 3: Batch run choices within the NTS UI.
Determine 4: The NTS UI batch execution view.
Determine 5: An instance affirmation immediate within the NTS UI.

Defining the Stakeholders

From the Use Instances to System Necessities

Determine 6: The workflow instances in NTS.

Check Execution Stack

Determine 7: The take a look at execution stack (Hybrid Execution Context) in NTS 1.0.

Presentation Layer

Determine 8: The presentation layer in NTS 1.0.

Batch Execution Stack

Determine 9: The batch execution stack in NTS 1.0.

Analyzing the Shortcomings of NTS 1.0

Decoupling Check Definitions

Determine 10: Decoupling the take a look at definitions from the take a look at execution stack in NTS 2.0.

Defining the Job Execution Mannequin

Determine 11: The job execution mannequin in NTS 2.0.

Alternative of the Management Airplane

Migration from a Hybrid to Native Execution Context

Determine 12: The take a look at execution stack (Native Execution Context) and the management airplane in NTS 2.0.

Correct State Modeling with Occasion Sourcing

Determine 13: The occasion sourcing pipeline in NTS 2.0, powered by Alpakka-Kafka.

Scaling Up the Presentation Layer

Determine 14: The presentation layer in NTS 2.0.

Placing in Job Supervision

System Behavioral Reliability

System Scalability

Determine 15: WebSocket periods and handshake response time percentiles over time throughout the load testing.
Determine 16: CPU utilization over time throughout the load testing.
Determine 17: Out there reminiscence over time throughout the load testing.
Determine 18: Database requests per second over time throughout the load testing.

Improvement Velocity

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