Kayla and Kiaya movie for Teen Mother: Younger and Pregnant. Pic credit score: MTV

After three seasons on MTV, Teen Mother: Younger and Pregnant has been canceled.

The solid featured 5 mothers: Madisen Beith, Rachel Beaver, Kiaya Elliott, Brianna Jaramillo, and Kayla Sessler.

As well as, two of the mothers who moved on to Teen Mother 2 — Ashley Jones and Jade Cline — bought their begin on Younger and Pregnant.

Per The Ashley’s Actuality Roundup, the solid was knowledgeable of the information through cellphone calls from MTV’s crews.

“Calls went out as we speak to the solid and allow them to understand it’s accomplished,” the outlet’s supply says. “The crew has additionally been knowledgeable that there shall be no Season 4. All the massive exec producers have been on the calls, and every woman and every of the grandmas have been spoken to.”

The information shouldn’t come as a shock, contemplating that viewership was declining. Season 3B introduced in among the lowest views within the historical past of the Teen Mother franchise.

Teen Mother: Younger and Pregnant will get canceled after third season on MTV

The insider added, “Everybody anticipated to listen to that the present had been canceled, so it wasn’t precisely a shock, nevertheless it’s going to be powerful on among the solid members with out that [MTV] cash.”

Regardless of the demise of Younger and Pregnant, the supply additionally talked about there’s “all the time an opportunity” of the mothers getting solid on a distinct Teen Mother present.

Kiaya Elliott and Kayla Sessler joined Teen Mother Household Reunion Season 2

Season 2 of Teen Mother Household Reunion noticed two of the Younger and Pregnant castmates be part of, together with Kayla and Kiaya. The women joined Ashley and Jade, in addition to Briana DeJesus, Maci Bookout, Catelynn Baltierra, Amber Portwood, and Cheyenne Floyd.

For the primary time in franchise historical past, the solid members introduced alongside their mothers for a retreat-type trip. Though the premise appeared like a soothing journey, it began out as something however.

As Monsters and Critics beforehand reported, probably the most dramatic brawls in Teen Mother historical past occurred throughout filming. Ashley and Briana bought right into a scuffle that resulted of their mothers, Tea and Roxanne, stepping into it.

Their argument escalated contained in the retreat home’s kitchen, the place issues bought bodily between Ashley and Briana. Their actions, which violated their contracts, bought them and their mothers despatched house.

Briana climbed onto the kitchen island as she hurled insults and tossed an aluminum water bottle at Ashley. In retaliation, Ashley spat in Briana’s face, which the remainder of the solid discovered unacceptable conduct, together with the mothers from Younger and Pregnant.

In the meantime, in line with The Ashley’s Actuality Roundup, Season 2 of Teen Mother: The Subsequent Chapter is in manufacturing.

Teen Mother Household Reunion is at present on hiatus.

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