I’m at the moment in the midst of watching Netflix’s Scott Pilgrim Takes Off anime collection, and I’ve been loving it! That is such a enjoyable present and the followers additionally appear to be having fun with it. In case you’re a fan of the collection, I’ve received a behind-the-scenes video that you simply’re going to need to watch.

It is a 10-minute video that focuses on the animation of the collection, which is created by the Japanese animation studio Science SARU. There’s a whole lot of cool and attention-grabbing perception that’s shared within the video. For instance, the video explains that the voice solid recorded first their dialogue first, then they animated the collection, which isn’t regular for animation studios in Japan.

The collection is predicated on the comedian books by Scott Pilgrim creator Bryan Lee O’Malley, and it’s additionally very a lot impressed by Edgar Wright’s Scott Pilgrim vs the World film.

This video options O’Malley, screenwriter BenDavid Grabinski, and director Abel Gongora, together with different members of the artistic staff speaking about their experiences creating Scott Pilgrim Takes Off. You gotta admire the work that these artistic artists put into these initiatives.

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