YEDM debuted Millennium Resorts to our readers in anticipation of their Within the Key of David album debut with the primary single, “Happiness,” late final month. A chugging, progressive bop of a synthwave masterpiece with simply sufficient indie lyricism to make it actually attention-grabbing, “Happiness” was entry level into the world of Millennium Resorts, paying homage to the great previous days of dream pop like early MGMT and M83 however with a pinch of grunge-era Dig or Winchester Revival.

The following teaser, “The Massive Present,” launched on November 25 and is simply so long as “Happiness” (there are shorter radio edits for each) however rather more of a assume piece, each musically and conceptually. As Within the Key of David is an idea album, this monitor is the place the band actually bites into stated idea. For these listeners who made it by means of “Happiness,” “The Massive Present” rewards them with a darker and extra goth-heavy synth format and an virtually operatic format. It’s what one would count on if one requested a Moog and an 808 to talk to ChatGPT to jot down a Broadway musical with Andrew Lloyd Webber because the mannequin. It’s factor it’s referred to as “he Massive Present.”

With style twists and turns, the whole lot from new wave to Tron to shoegaze to Zappa, the musical journey virtually distracts from the message of “The Massive Present,” however fortunately the eerie, Ween-like vocals each journey over and floor the meandering music. Sufficient of a distinction to drive the listener to focus, the lyrics appear instantly opposite to these in “Happiness,” deconstructing hopelessness and the emotional oppression of each day life into an existential nightmare within the face of the fashionable world. Whereas not confirmed that it’s about consumerism and the pitfalls of get-ahead tradition, it actually appears apt that the duo determined to launch this one proper because the Christmas season was getting began. Both method it’s a musical snapshot of a dystopian and it appears doubtless that Millennium Resorts prefer it that method. Have a look at their title, in any case.

So, together with expertly crafted, extremely advanced music, that is additionally the depth of thought new followers of this new band can count on to get out of Within the Key of David, if the idea monitor of “The Massive Present” inside this idea album is something to go by. For individuals who like their synthwave on the darkwave aspect mood-wise, this album can be proper up that avenue.

Within the Key of David releases on January 25, 2024. Hearken to “Happiness” and “The Massive Present” right here.

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