In Daniel De Visé’s in-depth new guide The Blues Brothers – An Epic Friendship, the Rise of Improv, and the Making of an American Movie Basic, the writer goes to phenomenal lengths to element not simply the making of the Blues Brothers movie (which is a bonkers story in and of itself), however goes again to the start, detailing the upbringings of the 2 actors, their explorations right into a burgeoning comedy scene, their rise at SNL, and all of the blues that is match to print.

Recounting reminiscences from John Belushi’s highschool classmates and Dan Aykroyd’s faculty theater friends, the guide paints an image of two very divergent upbringings leading to two wildly totally different performers whose concepts of comedy someway overlapped sufficient to grow to be lifelong mates. Their circuitous routes to Saturday Night time Reside are dotted with a blinding ardour for genuine music (Belushi for heavy metallic and finally R&B, Aykroyd for electrical blues), which inevitably made its approach into their performances (each onstage and off).

Whereas Aykroyd and Belushi had totally different outlooks, their yin and yang developed into a robust artistic partnership which pushed the envelope of what comedy on tv might be, all of the whereas holding all-night events at Aykroyd’s secret blues bar the place Keith Richards and Francis Ford Coppola poured drinks behind the counter. Whereas the background of the 2 whirlwind comedians is compelling and well-told, the rubber actually hits the street because the characteristic movie begins coming into focus. The guide recounts anecdote after anecdote in regards to the course of, the characters, the stunts, and the visitor stars, every extra eye-gogglingly unimaginable than the final.

A short record of discoveries from the guide:

• The identify “Elwood” got here from Elwood Glover, a chat present host whom Aykroyd thought was “essentially the most boring man on Canadian tv.”

• The signature Ray Ban sun shades have been worn out of necessity since Aykroyd’s insecurities made him reluctant to make eye contact and Belushi’s eyes have been all the time bloodshot attributable to his fixed debauchery.

• The SNL musicians would carry round little decoy “Belushi Bottles” of cocaine with solely a tiny bit remaining as a result of if Belushi bought a maintain of their precise stash it will be hoovered up immediately.

• The Blues Brothers’ debut album Briefcase Stuffed with Blues listed the 2 comedy superstars’ precise names solely on the again of the report jacket as “very particular due to Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi” (and the album charted greater than precise post-war blues albums by B.B. King and Muddy Waters).

• Belushi had a behavior of repeatedly setting his mattress on hearth whereas falling asleep smoking. (Three packs of cigarettes a day, cocaine behavior, Quaalude dependancy, amphetamines, common doses of mescaline).

• Dan Aykroyd practically misplaced the one copy of the script as he was nonetheless ending it. After a frenzied search of the 30 Rock workplaces, he discovered the pages in a stack of previous SNL scripts, meant for the shredder.

• The unique script was 324 pages lengthy (most film screenplays are between 95 and 125 pages in size) and he hand-delivered them to movie trade executives wrapped within the torn-off covers of telephone books.

• The movie’s unique finances was $10 million however finally ballooned to $27.5 million, which was greater than Steven Spielberg spent on Shut Encounters of the Third Type.

• Landis wished B.B. King to be one of many Rhythm and Blues luminaries within the film, however King’s supervisor indicated that the guitar legend was too busy touring to look within the movie. King later was crushed when he came upon his administration had handed.

• After the movie’s launch, Cab Calloway’s long-dormant profession was revived, resulting in a flurry of bookings for his new Huge Band, strutting round in a zoot go well with performing “Minnie the Moocher” nicely previous the age of 70.

• The rampant destruction of the deserted shopping center (which was stuffed with rotting produce and shortly full of automotive exhaust and burning rubber) resulted in just one small damage which required two stitches.

• Chicago’s new mayor, Jane Byrne, had confronted a lot vitriol and misogyny from staffers who had labored for her predecessor Richard J. Daley, that she gleefully gave permission for the movie crew to crash vehicles into his namesake Daley Plaza.

• In the course of the quiet elevator scene close to the top of the film, a schmaltzy Muzak model of Antônio Carlos Jobim’s “The Woman from Ipanema” performs overhead as a type of retribution since director John Landis wished to make use of a parody model of the tune in Animal Home however Jobim would not enable it.

• Landis initially wished to drop the orange Pinto pushed by the hated Illinois Nazis from a top of “I do not know, 5, six thousand ft?” however he finally agreed on twelve hundred ft (the peak of the John Hancock Constructing). Whereas this was decrease than the director initially wished, it was nonetheless so excessive that THE FAA HAD TO CERTIFY THE PINTO AS AN AIRCRAFT.

Along with the detailed biographical data and the behind-the-scenes movie analysis, the writer is a longtime music author (and occasional contributor to AllMusic), and delivers a wealthy degree of element about electrical blues, the music tradition of the ’70s (together with Disco Demolition Night time at Comiskey Park), and insights into the movie’s musical visitor stars (Cab Calloway, John Lee Hooker, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, James Brown and others). The guide lovingly tells the story of a high-speed journey that soars triumphantly and expectedly (assuming the reader is conscious of the destiny of John Belushi) crashes on the finish.

The Blues Brothers – An Epic Friendship, the Rise of Improv, and the Making of an American Movie Basic is on the market now from Grove Atlantic and your native bookstore.

The Blues Brothers – An Epic Friendship, the Rise of Improv, and the Making of an American Movie Basic

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