Buzz Knight, host and creator of the favored podcast Takin A Stroll, is proud to announce the donation of choose episodes to the Rock & Roll Corridor of Fame Library & Archives.

Takin A Stroll has been a beacon for music fans, providing in-depth conversations with a number of the most influential figures within the music business,” mentioned Buzz Knight. “From legendary rock stars to up-and-coming artists, the podcast has supplied listeners with a behind the scenes have a look at the music that has formed our tradition.

“I’m thrilled to donate the Takin A Stroll podcasts to the Rock & Roll Corridor of Fame” continued Knight. “It has been an unbelievable journey connecting with artists and sharing their tales with listeners around the globe. Preserving these conversations within the Rock Corridor’s archives ensures that future generations can proceed to be impressed by the facility of music.”

The Rock and Roll Corridor of Fame, positioned in Cleveland, Ohio, is devoted to preserving the historical past and celebrating the affect of rock and roll music. The addition of Takin A Stroll to its archive additional solidifies its dedication to documenting the evolution of the style and the voices that formed it.

About Buzz Knight

Buzz Knight is a media govt, guide and music fanatic based mostly in Boston Mass. By means of the “Takin A Stroll” podcast, Buzz has supplied a platform for artists to share their tales and join followers on a deeper degree. “Takin A Stroll” is a part of the iHeart Podcast Community.

In regards to the Rock & Roll Corridor of Fame

The Rock & Roll Corridor of Fame, positioned in Cleveland, Ohio, is devoted to celebrating the historical past and affect of rock and roll music. By means of its displays, archives, and applications, the Rock Corridor preserves the legacy of the style and honors the artists who’ve formed its historical past.

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