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  • Kate Mulgrew requested a homosexual character on Star Trek: Voyager however was informed no.
  • Regardless of breaking limitations with the primary feminine Captain to guide a Star Trek sequence, Voyager didn’t embody an LGBTQ+ forged member.
  • Seven of 9 grew to become an LGBTQ+ character on Star Trek: Picard 20 years after Voyager ended.

Kate Mulgrew says she requested Star Trek: Voyager add a homosexual character, however the reply was no. Mulgrew starred as Captain Kathryn Janeway, the primary feminine Captain to guide her personal Star Trek sequence. Star Trek: Voyager ran for 7 seasons on UPN, and Janeway grew to become an icon who impressed numerous ladies to pursue careers in STEM. Star Trek: Voyager expanded the Star Trek universe and launched quite a few new and beloved characters and ideas, however an LGBTQ+ forged member isn’t a part of Star Trek: Voyager‘s legacy.

Showing on stage at FAN EXPO Boston, Kate Mulgrew revealed that she informed Star Trek government producer Rick Berman that “we’d like a homosexual character” on Star Trek: Voyager. However regardless of Mulgrew making it identified to Paramount that this was “my choice and my selection,” Kate was informed “there wasn’t any room” for an LGBTQ+ character on Star Trek: Voyager. X person Craig Semon (@CraigSemon) shared the video which you’ll be able to watch under:

20 years after
Star Trek: Voyager
ended, Seven of 9 (Jeri Ryan) grew to become an LGBTQ+ character, sparking a romantic relationship with Commander Raffi Musiker (Michelle Hurd) on
Star Trek: Picard.


Captain Janeway “Selected Not To Have A Lover” On Star Trek: Voyager, Explains Kate Mulgrew

Captain Janeway selected to dedicate herself to her crew in Star Trek: Voyager, and Kate Mulgrew delves into why she and Janeway made that call.

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This text covers a creating story. Proceed to verify again with us as we will probably be including extra data because it turns into obtainable.

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